Friday, March 14, 2014

How to create water ripple effect.

In this tutorial, you will create the water ripple effect using Displace filter. Figure 1 shows the final output .

Figure 1
1. Open any image in Photoshop. Press CTRL+J to create the duplicate layer. Make sure Layer 0  is selected. Next, choose Image > Canvas Size from the menu bar; the Canvas Size dialog box is displayed. In the New Size area, enter 100 in the Width edit box and change into Percentage.

2.  In the Canvas Size dialog box, enter 150 in the Height edit box in the New Size area and change into Percentage. Click on the top arrow in the Anchor area, as shown in the Figure 2 and then choose OK button to close the dialog box.

Figure 2

3. Notice that the empty area is created, as shown in Figure 3.  Next, select the Layer 0 copy and scale it down, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3

Figure 4
4. Press and hold the CRTL and click on the Layer 0 copy in the Layers panel; the area is selected. Next, create a new layer in the Layers panel.

5. Make sure the foreground and background is set in black and white color. Next, choose Filter > Render > Clouds from the menu bar; the cloud is created with black and white color in the Layer 1, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5
6. Make sure the Layer 1 is selected. Choose  Filter > Distort > Twirl from the menu bar; the Twirl dialog box is displayed. Next, enter 200 in the Angle edit box, as shown in Figure 6. Now, choose OK button to close the dialog box.

Figure 6
7.  Make sure the Layer 1 is selected.  Choose  Filter > Distort > ZigZag from the menu bar; the ZigZag dialog box is displayed. Next, enter 90 and 15 in the Amount and Ridges edit boxes, as shown in Figure 7. Now, choose OK button to close the dialog box.

Figure 7

8.  Make sure the Layer 1 is selected.  Choose  Layer > Duplicate Layer from the menu bar; the Duplicate Layer dialog box is displayed. Select New from Document drop-down list and enter displace in Name textbox. Now, choose OK button; the new document with name Displace is created.

9. Choose File > Save As from the main menu; the Save As dialog box is displayed. Enter Displace in the File name text box and choose the Save button. Now close the Displace document.

10. Click on eye of the Layer 1 in the Layers panel; the Layer 1 is hide. Next, CTRL+D to cancel the selection. Now, select  Layer 0 copy in the Layers panel. Now, choose Filter >  Distort > Displace from the menu bar; the Displace dialog box is displayed.

11. In the Displace dialog box, enter 200 in the Horizontal Scale and 10 in the Vertical Scale and choose OK button; the Choose a displacement map dialog box is displayed. Now, choose the Displace saved document; the water ripple effect is displayed in the Layer 0 copy.

12. Make sure the Layer 0 copy is selected. Press CTRL+T; the Trasformation Tool  is activated. Now, right-click on the Trasformation Tool in the canvas area; a shortcut menu is displayed. Choose Perspective from the menu, as shown in Figure 8 and set the image, as shown in Figure 9. Press Enter to exit from Trasformation Tool.

Figure 8
Figure 9

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